Building Height and Tall Buildings SPD
On Wednesday 13 December 2023 the Council adopted the Building Height and Tall Buildings Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
The SPD supports Borough Local Plan Policy QP3a by setting out in detail what the Council considers to be appropriate in terms of location, height, and design for proposed tall building developments throughout the borough. The SPD is not designed to encourage tall buildings, but rather to allow the Council more control over any planning applications for large or tall buildings that come forward in the future. The SPD is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.
You can view the adopted SPD and supporting documents by clicking on the following links:
- Building Height and Tall Buildings SPD
- Building Height and Tall Buildings SPD – Appendix A - View Testing Analysis
- Building Height and Tall Buildings SPD Adoption Statement
- Consultation Statement
- Consultation Statement Appendix 1
- Draft Building Height and Tall Building Strategy
- Draft Building Height and Tall Building Technical and Baseline Study
If you have any further queries please contact the Planning Policy Team at