
Our libraries system update is complete. Access to the wider SELMS catalogue is not yet available. Please clear browsing history when trying to access the online catalogue. Customers are not able to pay for overdue charges online but can do so in their local library.

For your convenience we have extended the due back dates on items that were due back between Tuesday 9 and Tuesday 23 July 2024 to Tuesday 30 July 2024.

Thank you for your continuing patience and understanding as we continue working to restore the remaining services. (24/07/2024)

Library account and renew items  :  Search for items  :  Pay library charges

Eton Wick Library

Eton Wick Library is currently closed. Please check back here for any updates.

Libraries : Contact details

For further information, please contact us by:

Library services - Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
St Ives Road
Maidenhead SL6 1QU
Telephone: 01628 796969