Have your say on Royal Borough’s highways and transport services


Residents are being asked for their views on highways and transport services in the Royal Borough.

The National Highways and Transport Network Public Satisfaction Survey is being delivered to several thousand households in the borough this week asking residents for their views on areas such as the condition of roads and footpaths, to the quality of cycling facilities.

The council is a member of the network, and the questionnaire will be sent to a random sample of at least 3,300 residents from tomorrow (16 June). Recipients will have until Monday 10 July to complete and return the questionnaire, with the results set to be published in late October.

Councillor Geoff Hill, cabinet member for highways and transport, said: “As a council, we are committed to understanding the views of our residents and this survey is a useful way of gathering the opinions of those who live in our borough.

“The results of this questionnaire will help give the council a better insight of what residents of the Royal Borough think about these important services, and gives the public an opportunity to say which services they think we should prioritise and improve.

“If you do receive a survey, please do take the time to complete this and tell us what you think.”

Those that receive the questionnaire can complete this online if they prefer. A short URL link will be printed on the front, and they will be required to enter a code before completing it.

Residents can use the ‘report it’ function on the council’s website to raise specific issues with roads and pavements in the borough, as well as provide feedback on other issues in their areas. Visit https://www.rbwm.gov.uk/home/apply-pay-report/report-it