Have your say on key planning document helping to tackle climate change

This image shows a butterfly on a flower. Consultation: Striving for sustainable development.

The community is invited to help finalise a critical planning document, designed to ensure sustainability and tackling climate change are fully considered in the Royal Borough’s future growth and development.

The council is holding a six-week consultation, until midnight on Monday 27 November, on the draft of its Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

The SPD aims to shape new development in the direction of net zero carbon, protect and enhance the natural environment, drive carbon reductions in the borough and deliver wider climate change mitigations and adaptations.

A key action within the council’s Environment and Climate Strategy, it will guide developers in preparing their planning applications and will be considered in planning decisions and appeals.

Shaped with early input from community groups and other key stakeholders, including environmental groups and developers, the draft SPD covers five key themes: energy and carbon, climate adaptation, sustainable materials and construction, biodiversity, and sustainable transport.

The document includes guidance on achieving at least 10 per cent biodiversity net gain, sustainable drainage, opportunities for local food production, renewable energy requirements for new builds, reuse and retrofitting of existing buildings, and requirements for electric vehicle charge points within new developments.

Whilst the SPD cannot create new planning policy, or change existing, it will add to the policy already set in the Borough Local Plan, providing important guidance on environmental standards expected for new development across the borough.

You can visit www.rbwm.gov.uk/consultations to view the draft SPD document and leave your comments by completing the online feedback form.

To get involved in the consultation, you are invited to attend one of the below sessions:

•    Thursday 2 November, 2pm to 6.30pm – Maidenhead Library drop-in event
•    Wednesday 8 November, 6pm to 7.30pm – Online webinar via Microsoft Teams. The link for joining will be added to the website in w/c 6th November
•    Tuesday 14 November, 2pm to 6.30pm – Windsor Library drop-in event

If you don’t have online access, you are welcome to use the public-access computers available at all local libraries, where staff are happy to help you get online if needed. If you require paper copies of the response form, these are also available from all libraries upon request. Paper copies of all the consultation documents will be available in Maidenhead, Windsor and Ascot libraries for the duration of the consultation. 

If you choose not to submit your response online, completed response forms should be emailed to planning.consultation@rbwm.gov.uk or posted to Planning Policy, Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead, Town Hall, St Ives Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 1RF. 

Consultation feedback will be carefully reviewed, and the finalised SPD is expected to be considered by Cabinet for adoption in early 2024.

Councillor Adam Bermange, Cabinet member for planning, legal and asset management, said: “Tackling climate change is a top priority and this very important document will ensure our aspirations to mitigate its impact are fully considered when developers shape and bring forward their planning applications.

“Having a sustainability-focussed SPD sends a clear message about the environmental standards we expect for new development in our borough and the weight we attach to that. This is not about stopping development, but in making development as sustainable as possible we can support our transition to a low carbon future where nature has space to flourish.

“There have been a number of constructive early engagement events with key stakeholders to shape this draft, and we are now keen to hear from everyone about what it contains to help finalise it.”
Councillor Karen Davies, Cabinet member for climate change, biodiversity and Windsor Town Council, said: “The climate crisis is the biggest challenge we face as a society, and taking action to mitigate our impact as an organisation and as a place is vital.

“All development has an impact on our environment and shapes our place and how we live day-to-day, so this document is incredibly important in putting sustainability issues at the forefront of people’s minds when planning decisions are made. I would encourage everyone to get involved and have your say.”