Councillor Simon Bond is elected the New Mayor of the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead

Mayor Simon Bond

Councillor Simon Bond has been elected as Mayor of the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead for the 2024/25 civic year, with Councillor Mandy Brar as Deputy Mayor.

He took on the ceremonial, non-political role last night, following a vote at the annual council meeting, held in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall, Maidenhead.

He has been elected after serving as Deputy Mayor for the past year, along with his consort David Armitage.

He received the mayoral chain from Councillor Neil Knowles, who served as Mayor since May 2023. The historic role of mayor is to chair Full Council meetings and represent the borough and its communities. 

Cllr Bond moved to Maidenhead 45 years ago, working for financial services firm Towry from 1979 to 2009, in both Windsor and Bracknell. After taking early retirement, he undertook a variety of voluntary roles with charities and community groups, including being treasurer and a trustee for a not-for-profit care home for older residents.

A founder member of Wild Maidenhead, Cllr Bond takes a particular interest in the contribution we can all make, together with organisations and the world of finance, to transition to net zero and a more sustainable economy and environment. 

He has represented the residents of the Belmont ward in Maidenhead as a Councillor since 2019. This covers a diverse area from St Mark’s/Courthouse Road to St Luke’s/Cookham Road.

The charities Cllr Bond will be supporting during his mayoral year are The Mayor’s Benevolent Fund, Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service and Baby Bank.

Cllr Bond said: “As a Councillor who has lived in the Royal Borough for many years, I feel very proud to become the Mayor and I look forward to meeting people, community groups and voluntary organisations over the next year.”

“After serving as Deputy Mayor for the past year, it’s a great privilege to be elected as Mayor.”

The outgoing Mayor, Cllr Knowles, said: “It has been an honour to be the Mayor of the Royal Borough over the past year.

“I have had the opportunity to attend some special events and meet some fantastic community groups and organisations.”

Cllr Mandy Brar is the new Deputy Mayor, and her consort is Harry Brar.