76806 FOI Strategy

Short Description
Performance Management and Communications
Reference number

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your authority. Please may you provide me with information on how your authority reports on its performance. Please provide written responses below each of the questions listed below (definitions have also been included below the questions):
1.     How do you report performance to residents?
2.     Do you have a Performance Management Handbook*?
3.     What budget do you have allocated towards your performance management* initiatives per annum?
4.     How many hours are spent on performance management* reporting each month?
5.     Which applications or systems do you use to manage Performance Management*?
6.     Do you report departmental performance separately or in a different way?
7.     Do you benchmark or baseline your authority’s performance with other similar authorities?
8.     Can you evidence improvements to your services based on historical performance management* reporting?
Performance management*: Performance Management is about the practical ways that a council can improve what it does and, more importantly, what it delivers, in terms of good quality services that meet the needs of local people. Performance management is acting in response to actual performance to make outcomes for users and the public better than they would otherwise be.
Performance Management Handbook*: A Performance Management Handbook sets out what a council does to; plan activity, monitor, report and improve performance, in relation to the services they deliver, and linked to the aims and objectives of the corporate plan.
