76799 FOI Parking

Short Description
Eton Parking Regulations
Reference number

1. How many residents parking permits have been issued to Eton residents?

2. How many residents parking permits have been issued for the location of Meadow Lane, Meadow Lane car park, High street, Eton square and Brocas Street?

3. How many residents bays are provided in Meadow Lane, Meadow Lane car park, High Street, Eton square and Brocas Street?

4. How many PCNs were issued in Meadow Lane Car park in 2021?

5. What was the income from PCNs in Meadow Lane car park in 2021?

6.  How many PCNs in Meadow Lane car park we’re  appealed?

7 .  Of those appealed how many PCNs were successful to the applicant (or overturned).

8. Are parking attendants set any targets over any period of time during any period of time in 2021 or 2022?

9. How many parking attendants do you employ to patrol Eton?

10.  What is the gross profit from PCN revenue over the borough over the last 12 months , financial year or 2021?
