76789 FOI Residential Services

Short Description
Repair Requests
Reference number

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to ask you to provide me with the following information: 

1.    I would like you to provide me with all repair requests made to the local authority by tenants of residential council housing in the years of 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. I would also like you to tell me which category each request fell into or was determined as under the council’s repair type hierarchy, (e.g. “emergency”, “urgent”, “routine”) if the council has such definitions. For context, it would be useful for you to provide me with the number of council housing units currently managed by the authority. 

2.    For each of these repair requests, I would also like you to tell me what date the request was made and the date the repair was completed. Again, I would like you to provide me with the classification of the repair requested, so ideally this data would be syndicated with the data requested above. Ideally it would be useful to have detail about the nature of the repair (e.g. “mould”, “total loss of power”) but if this creates an unreasonable extra amount of work then simply the repair type will be fine. An example format which would be most useful is as follows:
Date requested     Repair type     Details    Date completed
1/1/20    Emergency    Black mould in shower    1/1/20
If the repair is outstanding, please indicate this with “n/a” or a blank. It is my understanding that in certain cases, especially “emergency” scenarios, that local authorities have a target for attendance / making a situation safe alongside a target for the completion of the repair. In this instance I would like you to give me both the date the repair was made safe/attended and the date it was completed. Again, if this is not possible, simply the date the repair was completed would work fine. 
If it is the case that the information requested in its entirety is not possible to return due to cost constraints or other exemptions, I would be grateful for a partial response to the information requested rather than an outright rejection of the request. I would prioritise data for 2019 and 2020 in this instance, and prioritise the data on dates requested / completed with repair type. 
