76750 FOI Counter Fraud

Short Description
Counter Fraud Service
Reference number

I am conducting a benchmarking exercise and would be grateful of you could answer the following questions:

•    Do you have a dedicated Counter Fraud Team?
•    If no, what is your Counter Fraud provision?
•    Are you part of a shared Counter Fraud Service? Please provide name and parties to the service.
•    What is your current annual Counter Fraud budget (or contribution to the shared service if applicable)?
•    What is your FTE complement of dedicated Counter Fraud Investigators (or contribution to the shared service if applicable)?
•    What is your FTE complement of dedicated Counter Fraud Intelligence Officers (or contribution to the shared service if applicable)?
•    Does your Counter Fraud Team or shared service use a Case Management System? Please provide the name and supplier.
•    Do you employ Counter Fraud Investigator Apprentices? Please provide number and your training provider.
