76746 FOI Council Tax

Short Description
Service Refunds
Reference number

1. Bins -When general rubbish bins, recycling bins, waster paper bins and free garden waste bins are not collected from the homes of council tax paying residents, and the Council is to blame for these missed collectios, does the Council give any compensation to council tax paying residents by way of a partial refund of council tax?
2. If the answer to the above question is 'Yes', how much is this?
3. Amenity Tips - If the Council's amenity tips were closed for any time during the Covid pandemic, did the Council give any compensation to council tax paying residents by way of a partial refund of council tax?
4. If the answer to the above question is 'Yes', how much was this?
5. Unadopted Roads - The Council neither provides the infrastructure of unadopted roads, including: road surfaces; pavements; kerbs; grass verges; street lighting; signage and nor does the Council provide maintenance of these items. Does the Council give any compensation to council tax paying residents who live on unadopted roads by way of a partial refund of council tax?
6. If the answer to the above question is 'Yes', how much is this?
