76716 FOI Policy

Short Description
Socio-Economic Duty
Reference number

1.    Please indicate whether your local authority has formally adopted the socio-economic duty (Section 1 of the Equality Act 2010). For this purpose, ‘adoption’ of the socio-economic duty, means that the authority must have either passed a motion at full council that adopts the duty, approved adoption via delegated decision or have agreed it via the council’s executive or cabinet. Please provide any relevant documentation to support your response. 

2.    Does your local authority consider socio-economic status within all its Equality Impact Assessments and equality frameworks? Please provide any relevant documentation to support your response.
3.    Has your local authority made a commitment to considering socio-economic status more broadly in strategic decision-making and policy development? Please provide any relevant documentation to support your response. 
4.    If your local authority has formally adopted the socio-economic duty (as described in question 1), please describe how the council has implemented the duty, or provide details relating to any future plans it has for implementation.
5.    If your local authority has not formally adopted the socio-economic duty (as described in question 1), are there future plans to adopt it? If so, please indicate the timeline that this will happen within. 
