76714 FOI Human Resources

Short Description
Anti Bribery Training
Reference number

1. Is Anti Bribery and Corruption Training mandatory for all staff at your organisation?
If yes
a.    Who is responsible for the Anti Bribery and Corruption Training Policy and Training within your organisation? (Please provide their name and contact details)
b.    How many staff are trained on Anti Bribery and Corruption each year?
c.    How often are staff required to be trained on Anti Bribery and Corruption?
d.    Is the Anti Bribery and Corruption Training you provide face to face or e-learning?
e.    What is the duration of the Anti Bribery and Corruption Training?
2. Do you use an outside organisation to provide the in Anti Bribery and Corruption training?
If yes
a.    Which organisation do you use?
b.    How much do you spend each year on Anti Bribery and Corruption Training?
