76708 FOI Highways

Short Description
Closure of Golden Ball Lane to Traffic
Reference number

It has come to my attention that a previous provisional decision to close Golden Ball Lane has been revoked.
I will avoid entering into the debate on whether the closure is the correct one or not. 
However I formally request under the Freedom of Information Act you provide me the following but not limited to;
-when was the road survey conducted
-the number of vehicles surveyed
-the origination and destination of the vehicles
-the average speed per vehicle
-the maximum speed of any one vehicle
-the actual percentage/number of vehicles that exceeded the 20mph limit
Regarding your consultation with 200+ respondents, the same FOI request;
-post codes
-multiple responses
-nature of objection
I look forward to receiving your responses within 28 days. 
One final question: have either of you ever personally stood on Golden Ball Lane and witnessed the traffic behaviour? 


There is a number of files associated with this request that can not be attached here. If you would like to view these please contact the Information Governance Team at: foi@rbwm.gov.uk quoting the reference number.