75732 FOI Empty Commercial Properties

Short Description
Empty Commercial Properties
Reference number

A list of all the empty Commercial properties within the Council area since 01/01/2019 detailing:

1) Full address and postcode of property

2) Date the property has been empty from on or after 01/01/2019
3) Property Description: are premises Single or Mixed Use

   a) If property is Mixed Use: please provide the different Categories eg storage or office etc

4) Business Class/Category: please provide relevant class / category, eg A1, A2 etc

5) Rateable square footage:

   a) If Single Use, please provide rateable square footage
   b) If Mixed Use, please provide individual square footage if applicable

6) Current rateable value

   a) If Single Use, please provide current rateable value
   b) If Mixed Use, please provide individual current rateable values

7) Freeholder Company Contact Details: the Company name and full Address