196501-473958 FOI Leisure

Short Description
Public Sports Facilities
Reference number

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to request the following information:

1.    List of active public sports/leisure facilities fully or partially funded by the local government from 2010, including:
1-a. Name of the facilities
1-b. Postcode of the facilities
1-c. Date of first service (i.e. date when it first started to service)
1-d. (If applicable) Name of the affiliated private entity (e.g. Better, Active etc)
1-e. Date of re-opening after the UK government's announcement to re-open indoor sports facilities
1-f. (If the facilities have ever intermittently suspended operation for some reason other than the Covid-19 lockdown law) Dates of intermittent closure and reopening
1-g. (If available) a brief reason for the intermittent suspension (e.g. financial reason, safety reason, renovation etc)
2.    List of discontinued public sports/leisure facilities fully or partially funded by the local government from 2010, including:
2-a. Name of the facilities
2-b. Postcode of the facilities
2-c. Date of first service
2-d. Date of closure
2-e. (If applicable) Name of the affiliated private entity
2-f. (If available) a brief reason for closure (e.g. financial reason, safety reason, moving etc)

I would like you to provide the information in the following format: A csv/xlsx file format.
