196501-450268 FOI Parking

Short Description
Kings Road Dropped Kerb
Reference number

Off-road parking enquiry: [x] Kings Road, Windsor, SL4 2AH.

Under The Freedom of Information Act 2000, please confirm:
1: The date the carriage crossing (dropped kerb) was formed. We believe it was when Windsor was under the administration of the New Windsor Corporation.
2: Why the protective white line was covered in grey paint? We believe this occurred circa 2009.
3: Was access to the off-road parking space (via the carriage doors) effectively revoked after the grey paint was applied, or did it just mean that the parking space was unprotected from there onwards.
4: Did the application of the grey paint result in correspondence between the owners of [x] Kings Road & RBWM Highways? If so, can you confirm the nature of such correspondence?
