196501-447073 FOI Parking

Short Description
Car Parking Bay Sizes
Reference number

I am e-mailing you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I am after information relating to car park parking bay sizes.
1.    Do you have a standard parking bay size which is in place across your car parks?
a.    For Q1, Are there plans to enlarge the standard parking bay size in car parks?
2.    Since 23rd January 2014, how many PCNs have been issued for parking outside of the lines in car parks?
a.    For Q2, please provide a year-by-year breakdown of the figures
b.    For Q2, please provide the value in (£) of the PCNs paid, also providing a year-by-year breakdown
3.    Are cars exceeding a certain length banned from any of your car parks?
a.    For Q3, if size rules are enforced, from what date did the council start doing so. 
b.    For Q3, if size rules aren’t enforced, are there plans to do so?
4.    How many PCNs have been issued to people for parking these banned cars in car parks since 23rd January 2014?
a.    For Q4, please provide a year-by-year breakdown of the figures 
b.    For Q4, please provide the value in (£) of the PCNs paid, also providing a year-by-year breakdown
5.    What is the total number of PCNs issued in car parks from 23rd January 2014?
