196501-442258 FOI HR

Short Description
School Staff
Reference number

I am writing with a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Specifically, I would like to ask the following: 

1.    Since the beginning of the academic year 20/21, how many teachers or other members of school staff have been suspended, disciplined and/or dismissed after being accused of having a sexual relationship with a pupil or making unwanted advances towards a pupil? If it does not exceed the cost threshold, please provide a breakdown for the number for teachers and other support staff. 
2.    Of those to have been suspended, disciplined or dismissed, how many cases resulted in a charge being brought against the teacher/member of support staff? 
3.    If it does not exceed the cost threshold, what percentage of schools in your area are state-schools which are overseen by councils, the percentage that are academy trusts, and the percentage which are independent schools. 
