196501-415585 FOI Housing

Short Description
Homes for Ukraine Scheme
Reference number

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I request the following information:

a) The total number of Ukrainian refugees who have taken up residency in RBWM under the Homes for Ukraine scheme since the start of the Russian invasion in 2022 to the present day.
b) The total number of volunteers to sponsor Ukrainian refugees under the Homes for Ukraine scheme in RBWM.
c) The total number of sponsors who were assigned a refugee or refugees under the Homes for Ukraine scheme in RBWM.
d) The total number of Ukrainian refugees who contacted RBWM to request ending their placement with their sponsor.
e) The total number of sponsors housing a Ukrainian refugee under the scheme who contacted RBWM to request exiting the scheme/ending the placement.

And among any Ukrainian refugees who terminated their placement or had it terminated for them:

i) How many were found a new placement under Homes for Ukraine?
ii) How many were put in alternative accommodation provided by the council?
iii) How many were deemed at formal risk of homelessness?
iv) How many left RBWM?
