196501-393044 EIR Residential Services

Short Description
Reference number

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I am writing to request information on the enforcement of Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) and Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) for both commercial and residential properties in your council area. 

This request is framed within the context of government guidance, which states: "If a local authority confirms that a property is (or has been) let in breach of the Regulations, they may serve a financial penalty up to 18 months after the breach and/or publish details of the breach for at least 12 months. Local authorities can decide on the level of the penalty, up to maximum limits set by the Regulations."

‘’The maximum penalties amounts apply per property and per breach of the Regulations. They are:

- Up to £2,000 and/or publication penalty for renting out a non-compliant property for less than 3 months.
- Up to £4,000 and/or publication penalty for renting out a non-compliant property for 3 months or more.
- Up to £1,000 and/or publication for providing false or misleading information on the PRS Exemptions Register.
- Up to £2,000 and/or publication for failure to comply with a compliance notice.

The maximum amount that can be fined per property is £5,000 in total.’’

I would therefore like to request the following information, which I would appreciate if it could be provided in an excel spreadsheet:

1. The number of EPC breaches identified in residential properties in your council area since the MEES was established in 2015 and first implemented in April 2018.
2. The total number of fines issued for EPC breaches in residential properties in your council area since the introduction of MEES, along with the total value of these fines.
3. The number of EPCs for residential properties in your council area that remain uncompliant with MEES.
4. The number of EPCs for residential properties in your council area that remain uncompliant with MEES and are being unlawfully let.
5. A list of properties in your council area that are currently exempt from EPC regulations, along with the reason for each exemption.

1. The number of EPC breaches identified in commercial properties in your council area since the recent MEES was established on 1st April 2023.
2. The total number of fines issued for EPC breaches in commercial properties in your council area since the introduction of MEES, along with the total value of these fines.
3. The number of EPCs for commercial properties in your council area that remain uncompliant with MEES.
4. The number of EPCs for commercial properties in your council area that remain uncompliant with MEES and are being unlawfully let.
5. A list of properties in your council area that are currently exempt from EPC regulations, along with the reason for each exemption.

I would also like to know:

• The sources and methods your council utilizes to identify and track this data.
• Your policy/procedures for fining parties in breach of MEES or EPC regulations (please send). 
• If your council has a register or list of properties that have breached the above-mentioned MEES or EPC regulations that you can send. 

If you do not have a policy or enforce these regulations in accordance with government policy, then please advise why.

Lastly, do you currently conduct this monitoring in-house, or do you outsource it? Please provide full details.
