196501-387452 FOI Commissioning

Short Description
Social Care Contract
Reference number

5. Which contract model do you use for care home service provisions?
Select all that apply. *
Block Beds
Preferred Supplier
6. Please provide a brief overview of the contracting models used for the care home service provision?

7. Please provide a brief overview of the contracting models used for the short-term recovery and assessment/D2A bed provision?

8. How do you make care home placements? *
Through an in-house brokerage team provision
Via an external brokerage service provision
Individual Social Worker direct negotiations
Via a panel process
9. Please describe how you negotiate care home placements?

10. Of the total number of care home placements, what percentage are internal provision. *

11. Please describe what pricing models and service bandings you use for these contracts? eg. dementia, mental health, challenging behaviour, tiers, set/individual rates etc. *

Service Performance
12. How do you measure the performance and success of your service? eg. outcomes *

13. What works well about how your current service is delivered? *

14. What could be improved with regards to your current service? *

15. In addition to the care home service provision, what social value added services are included within the service? eg. climate emergency.

16. Please share information on any systems, platforms, automated processes which significantly improved efficiencies in delivering your care homes contract? eg. portals, DPS, performance reporting/notifications.

17. Is there anything else that you would like to tell us about your service offer or make us aware of in the wider sector context (e.g. innovation, pilot programs, research, learning or adaptation etc.)?
