196501-381787 FOI Strategy

Short Description
Internal Audit and Counter Fraud
Reference number


Please provide the following information for your Council for 2022/23 (or the current position)

1. The net Revenue Cost for the whole Council:

2. The total cost (Staff salaries, on-costs, system costs, supplies costs, transport costs) of your Internal Audit and Counter Fraud Function:

3. Number of FTE staff in your Internal Audit and Counter Fraud service:

4. The number of Audit days undertaken by the Internal Audit and Counter Fraud service:

5. The productive days per FTE Internal Audit and Counter Fraud staff

6. Number of FTE Internal Audit and Counter Fraud staff members:

i. Qualified
ii. Part Qualified
iii. % of High/Medium Audit recommendations agreed and management actions Implemented

7. When was Counter Fraud plan last updated:

8. Number of FTE staff dedicated to Counter Fraud promotion:

9. Number of FTE staff dedicated to Counter Fraud investigations:

10. Number of Fraud incidents reported:

11. Number of Fraud incidents investigated:

12. Number of Fraud prosecutions initiated:

13. Identified value of fraud savings/recovered:
