196501-362458 EIR Outdoor Facilities

Short Description
Play Areas Management
Reference number

I am looking to gather information on council held or funded play grounds/play areas.

I have split this request into Primary and secondary information as I understand that some of the secondary information may not be held in an easily accessible format. Please provide what you can from the secondary information within the confines of the FOI

Please provide
The name and location (e.g postcode) of all playgrounds in your district (either owned, supported or maintained by SDC)

- free parking available (yes/no)
- disabled friendly (yes/no)
- list of equipment (e.g. slide, swings, nest swing)
- the initial cost of installation
- year of installation
- Maintenance cost

Please provide this in an EXCEL FORMAT with the column titles:
- Playground name
- Playground location
- free parking available (yes/no)
- disabled friendly (yes/no)
- List of equipment (Comma separated)
- year of installation
- Initial cost
- Maintenance cost
- health and safety score/link to document


The request includes additional documents (i.e. park safety reports for all playgrounds in the borough) that could not be attached here; if you would like access to these, please contact the FOI team (foi@rbwm.gov.uk) quoting the reference number.