196501-361649 FOI Infrastructure & Sustainability

Short Description
EV Charging
Reference number

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information. 
Please may you provide me with: 
1.  What are the council's plans and timelines for the deployment of chargers under LEVI funding? 
2. If there is no reply to the above what is your timeline to have something ready? 
3. Regarding the NEVIS data that has been provided to local authorities and councils.  
Can you provide the amount for; 
•           Slow 7KW or less 
•           22KW 
•           rapid chargers 
Are forecasted for your area from NEVIS for your council? 
4. Do you already have PFI's for your street furniture if so who they are with? 
5. Who is in charge of leading the electric vehicle charging projects under LEVI, their department and contact information? 
6. Does the authority allow drilling in lamp columns to accommodate the installation of electric vehicle charging points? 
7. What execution issues have been faced in implementing your current EV strategy, if any? 
8. Have you granted planning permission for large-scale development of housing estates if so who? Or are you looking at any with the possibility of granting, again if so who?


On hold for clarification as of 2nd June.