196501-355957 EIR Trees

Short Description
Hedgerow retention notices and TPO
Reference number

May I request (presumably under EIR) for the period from today (18th May 2023) back to Jan 1st 2020 (or any similar and more convenient accounting period you care to suggest): 
1.    A list (stating location and date) of all requests made to RBWM to remove any hedge-row in the Borough. 
2.    A list of all “Hedgerow Removal Notices” issued under regulation 5 of the Hedgerow Regulations 1997
3.    A list of all Hedgerow Retention Notices issued under the same Act. 

(If it is simpler just to provide a batch of all such notices instead of compiling a bespoke list then this would be an acceptable alternative.)

4.    The most up to date list (or map) held by - or used as definitive by - RBWM identifying Hedgerows in the Borough. 

Finally, again presumably under EIR: 
5.    How many requests for TPO have been received by RBWM in the same period? 

6.    Could I request a list of such requests stating date of request/date of deci-sion/location/type of tree/decision made. 
(If it is simpler to provide a batch of all such requests/decision notices this would be an acceptable alternative to producing a bespoke list.)
7.    Where on the Borough website are decisions relating to TPO requests currently pub-lished?
