196501-349403 FOI Council Tax

Short Description
Empty Property Figures
Reference number

1) As of 3rd May 2023 (or the most recently available date), please could you tell me how many private and council homes have been vacant in your authority for the following numbers of financial years*: a. Less than one year (i.e. current financial year) b. One year c. Two years d. Three years e. Four years f. Five years g. Six years h. Seven years i. Eight years j. Nine years k. Ten years l. 11 - 19 years m. 20 or more years *Please treat ‘years’ as financial years. If a home has been listed as empty within the current financial year, I would expect this to be listed as ‘less than one year’. Please could you break this information down by: Column

a) The ‘number of years’ Column

b) ‘Private’ or ‘council’ home - a separate count for private, and council, if available Column

c) The number of vacant homes

2) For the financial years (2016/2017 - 2021/2022 and any data available for 2022/2023), how much money has your council raised from charging extra council tax on homes that have been vacant for two or more years? Please could you break this information down by: Column

a) The year Column

b) The amount raised via council tax paid on vacant dwellings 
