196501-348559 FOI Monitoring Officer

Short Description
Investigation Report
Reference number

Further to FOI 196501-335384, please release the independent investigator's report into former councillor, John Baldwin, relating to an "outburst at a council officer in a Microsoft Teams meeting, in the presence of a young person" as reported in local media (https://www.maidenhead-advertiser.co.uk/news/maidenhead/184405/lib-dem-c...) - there should be a report as it was also reported that his then Group leader, Cllr Simon Werner, had reported the incident "through the RBWM Members' Code of Conduct" - I also understand other complaints were made.

My understanding is that the independent investigator's report relating to the incident is pending, but this has not yet been received by the Council. The reasons for the request are the same as FOI 196501-335384, i.e. residents should have full transparency on his behaviour whilst in office, including the behaviour of any colleagues relating to the incident that are seeking election and/or are re-elected. In addition, taxpayers' money will have been used to fund Council resources to undertake the investigation, which should also justify its publication. Once this report has been received by the Council, please can you provide a copy.
