196501-345482 FOI Public Health

Short Description
Walk and Talk Therapy Group
Reference number

In this article it is claimed that the Royal Borough in some way approved of the new Cox Green Walk and Talk mental health group.


In particular it states the Borough "green lit" this project. 

I note the organiser does not appear to have any professional qualifications in mental health, nor any support from the NHS or a suitable 3 sector mental health organisation.

Consequently I am wondering on what basis the council will have endorsed this project.

Request to know:

(1) If the council has in anyway endorsed this project.

(2) If the council has in anyway verified the safety of this group

(3) If the council has in anyway verified the safeguarding, health and safety or other relevant provi-sions or policies at this group

(4) If the council has endorsed this group to have copies of any relevant documents endorsing the group.

(5) To know which department, section, individual or sub unit of the council endorsed the group.

(6) To have copies of any communications between Mr Sunil Sharma or Cox Green Walk and Talk and the council relating to Cox Green Walk and Talk.
