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Resident Parking Discount Scheme
When Can I Apply For Virtual Permits?
Resident parking discount scheme FAQs
Resident parking discount scheme FAQs
What is the resident parking discount scheme?
Which car parks are part of the scheme, and why were they chosen?
What if I want to stay for more than one hour?
Who is eligible?
Can you apply for permits for motorcycles and vans?
Are there any restrictions on who can apply?
What about those with blue badges?
Do I need a RingGo account?
Where can I download the RingGo Parking app?
How do I apply for the discount?
What is the cost of a virtual permit and how long do they last?
Can I make one application that covers all car parks?
Can you have more than one vehicle registration on a virtual permit?
How many cars can each person register?
How many free one-hour sessions do I get to use each day?
How do I extend an existing session by phone ?
How do I extend an existing session using the RingGo app?
How do I start a session by phone?
What do I do if I cannot select any sessions?
What proof is required?
How long does it take to get the virtual permit and when do I know I have been successful?
When and how will I be able to use my discounted sessions?
Can I cancel or amend my permits after they’ve been approved?
When can I apply for virtual permits?
How do I start a session using the RingGo App?
When can I apply for virtual permits?
Applications can be made at any time the system is fully live.
Can I cancel or amend my permits after they’ve been approved?
How do I start a session using the RingGo App?