Armed forces : Events

Armed forces events in and around the borough.

Veterans breakfast club in Maidenhead

Date to be advised.

Armed Forces Flag Raising Ceremony

Monday 24 June 2024 – further details nearer the time.

Armed forces day

Saturday 29 June 2024.

Remembrance Sunday Civic Service and Parade 

On the Sunday nearest the 11 November, a Remembrance Sunday Civic Service and Parade is held in Maidenhead at the War Memorial outside the Town Hall, St Ives Road, Maidenhead and in Windsor at the War Memorial outside Windsor Parish Church.

Maidenhead - Contingents from ex-service organisation, cadet forces, uniformed and voluntary organisations assemble in Bridge Avenue.  The Parade will march from Bridge Avenue along York Road and into St Ives Road, where it will halt and those taking part will take up position on the road opposite the War Memorial. Once the Parade has formed up, the Mayoral Party and the Clergy will process from the Town Hall and take up their positions.  

There is a brief Wreath laying ceremony at the War memorial, following which those taking part in the will process to St Mary’s Church where the service will continue.  At the conclusion of the service in the church, the Mayoral Party will process back from the church and will take up position at the entrance to the Town Hall.  Those taking part in the parade will leave the church and will form up in the High Street and the Parade will march past the Civic Party at the Town Hall.

Windsor - Contingents from ex-service organisation, cadet forces, uniformed and voluntary organisations assemble in Park Street. The Parade will march from Park Street along the High Street where they will halt and take up position on the road opposite the War Memorial.  Once the Parade has formed up, the Mayoral Party will process from the Guildhall and take up positions.  

There is a brief Wreath laying ceremony at the War memorial, following which those taking part in the will process into the Church where the service will continue.

Previous events

Sunday 3 September 2023 - Merchant Navy Day 

Merchant Navy Day is held on Sunday 3 September each year to honour the brave men and women who kept the UK afloat during both World Wars, to promote greater awareness of the country’s maritime heritage and to highlight our continued dependence on modern day merchant seafarers.

To mark the day, Councillor Neil Knowles, the mayor, will lead a short ceremony at the Town Hall War Memorial at 10am on Monday 4 September. Following the ceremony, the Red Ensign will be raised. 

Colleagues are invited to attend the ceremony. If you'd like to attend, please gather outside the front of the building by 9.50 am.

Monday 4 September 2023 - Merchant Navy Day  - Flag Raising Ceremony

Sunday 17 September 2023 – Battle of Britain Civic Service and Parade

Friday 20 October 2023 - Armed forces dinner- Sponsored by the Household cavalry. For Serving, Veterans, Cadet staff, supporters.  The idea to take this forward as an annual event inspired by the dinners at Guildhall after both world wars. If you have any queries please contact the Mayor’s Secretary on 07866 127222 or email

Sunday 12 November 2023 – Remembrance Day Civic Service and Parade

Friday 1 December 2023 -  Equine dinner- focused on the Blue acre horse rescue but with a bit of a military twist- for all riders, stables, competitors, companies.

Library Events

On Sunday 21 January 2024 Library staff delivered a character Storytime and craft event at Poppies Community Centre on the Broom Farm Estate, Windsor. Karina Phillips, Army Welfare Officer, was in attendance.  

This event was hosted by Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Libraries Team with funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund. The literary character ‘Hugless Douglas’ was in attendance and in total 18 attended the event.    
A quote from a member of our team said "It was a joy to see parents engaging with their children and other parents as well as the Army Welfare Officer".

Our Library Staff shared local branch information with parents and discussed the services that are available to them and their family at the Library.

For further information, please contact us:

Human Resources Team
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom