Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
Our contractor, SDK Environmental, provides a 24/7 service for stray dogs.
To arrange the collection of a confined (on a lead) dog - Call 03444 828 320 (Operational seven days a week, available 24 hours a day).
Lost Dogs - Visit
Supplementary Dedicated Lost Dog Claim Line: 03444 828 300. (Operational seven days a week, 8.30am to 5pm) This number is reserved for dog owners who have identified their dog on the Lost Dogs web site and wish to arrange its return.
Charges are payable before dogs are returned. Fees vary depending on when a dog was collected, how long it has been kennelled for and if any vet fees have been incurred. Dogs are sent for rehoming after seven days if they are not claimed.
Dangerous dogs, such as those that have bitten someone, should be reported to Thames Valley Police on 101.