Preparing for flooding
The first step to being prepared is to check whether you live in a flood risk area. If you do, it's worth considering additional protective measures to prevent your home from flooding, such as:
- Before flood water enters your home, close and lock downstairs windows and doors. Keep the keys safely to hand and move upstairs.
- Continue to listen to situation updates from your local radio station and via Floodline on 0345 988 1188.
- Stay in your property if safe to do so or until either the emergency services tell you otherwise or the floodwater has gone.
- Do not drive or walk through floodwater. If it is necessary to walk through shallow water, beware of hidden holes, obstacles and other hazards.
Further advice
You can sign up for the Environment Agency flood warnings if you live in a flood-prone area - this can help you gain early warning of any impending problems.
The Environment Agency has guidance for householders and small businesses on how to prepare for flooding.
The National Flood Forum supports and represents communities and individuals who may be affected by flooding.
More information on ways to anticipate and deal with flood risk can be found in the 'Homeowners Guide to Flood Resilience' - you can download a copy through the 'Know your Flood Risk' campaign website.
If you need to be evacuated then see West Berkshire Council’s Evacuation & Shelter and Pet Welfare During Emergencies pages for more guidance.
The Emergency Planning Service, also known as the Joint Emergency Planning Unit (JEPU), is a shared service between RBWM, Bracknell Forest and West Berkshire District Councils.