Leisure centres

Leisure Focus has been created to run the borough’s leisure centres with the new charitable trust taking control of the borough’s sites on Saturday 1 August 2020.

Braywick Leisure Centre
Braywick Leisure Centre, Braywick Road, Maidenhead, SL6 1BN
T: 01628 685333

Charters Leisure Centre
Charters Comprehensive School, Charters Road, Sunningdale SL5 9QY
T: 01344 628686 

Cox Green Leisure Centre
Highfield Lane, Maidenhead SL6 3AX
T: 01628 685311 

Furze Platt Leisure Centre
Furze Platt Senior School 101 Furze Platt Rd, Maidenhead, SL6 7NQ
T: 01628 965754 

Windsor Leisure Centre
Clewer Mead, Stovell Rd, Windsor, SL4 5JB
T: 01753 778577